Chapter 4 Chapter 4: “Gathering a gang of Cats”


Sam and Charlotte got to the street, Merlin had kept those guards busy long enough. Needless to say they wanted to kill him! But Merlin was super fast, so he jumped onto a nearby roof and waited for his friends.

“Hey buddies! Up here!!” Meowed Merlin, “Look up!

“Ah! Just the cat I wanted to see.” Sighed Sam, “Come down! We need to talk.”

“The worst four words in the English language… we need to talk…” Thought Merlin and came down reluctantly. “What’s up dude?”

“In spite of your excellent job, the queen did not want to abandon her children, so she stayed in her cell.”


“Hey, dude, that’s bad! We failed!!” Complained Merlin angrily.

“Sadly yes, but…” Hesitated Sam, “She asked me one last favour, and I had to comply.”

“Well, spit it out, man! What is this favour about?”asked Merlin, quite irritated.

“She asked me to rescue her five Turkish cats, who are in Versailles!

“Great! I don’t see the problem! Let’s go to Ver… Ver… whatever and ready Eddy”

“Are you insane???” Shouted Sam. “Versailles is taken by the revolutionaries!!

The place is guarded by hundreds of soldiers with weapons!”

“Oops!” Said Merlin.


“Then, I believe… this mission is on you, my friend…”

“What?” Meowed Merlin, “what am I supposed to do?”

“Since you are a cat too… you can find them and tell them to come with us, I say…” Said Sam shrugging his shoulders.

“Meeeee???, I don’t even know the place!” Complained Merlin. Then he made a pause… “and what if I count on a gang of cats? There must be one of those gangs in Paris, right?”

“If there is one… I don’t know them…”

Without saying another word, the three friends started to walk towards the inn where Sam had his room.

That night, Merlin could not sleep… he was so worried… And the worst thing in the world is a worried cat. Merlin jumped on the window and started meowing like crazy.

“Meowwwwww, meowwwwww, meowwwwww” His voice could be heard all over Paris.

All of a sudden a constellation of yellow eyes were shining on the surrounding rooftops.

“What?” Gasped Merlin “ What are those lights?”
